It installs desktop icons without asking but uninstalls cleanly.
Address book software like palm desktop trial#
Handy Address Book has a 60-use trial limitation. Overall, despite the program's unassuming appearance, Handy Address Book is a powerful program for managing contact information.

The program's built-in Help file provides thorough, well-written instructions for the program's features. Users can easily print out their address book in a variety of formats, including mailing labels, as well as save contact information as a vCard. Contacts can be organized into categories and quickly filtered. A map button allows users to quickly map their contacts' addresses, and users can set MapQuest, Google Maps, or Yahoo as their default map provider. What really sets Handy Address Book apart is its extra features. Each contact includes fields for the typical information, including addresses, phone numbers, and Internet contacts, as well as fields for personal information. The letters of the alphabet are displayed down the left side of the program, allowing users to quickly find contacts by last name. Buttons across the top give users access to the program's major functions, such as adding and editing contacts. The program's interface is nothing fancy, but it's clean and quite intuitive. Although the interface is basic, the program includes some surprisingly useful extra features. Handy Address Book solves that problem in an easy-to-use format. Too many address books fall into the trap of giving users a place to keep contact information without any options for using their information outside of that program.